promisc property on raw sniffer object todo : add advanced filter mode in ethernet mode v1.60 added : 3 capture mode : raw ip / winpcap / ndis added : advanced filter mode in ethernet mode added : in ethernet mode, pcap filter is used added : play/stop in capture analysis fixed : smtp client "already connected" error fixed : tracert, if ip/hostname cannot be resolved no tracert fixed : timeout no longer freezes app. in tracert added : start/stop button in tracert fixed : send not triggered in tcp client if not connected added : ndisprot service automatically started v1.61 added : ip sniffer renamed to ip tools (wmi does not like the name sniffer...) fixed : thread is freed in tracert fixed : thread is freed after stop in ndis mode tofix : ndis/readfile waits for one last packet after thread is stopped todo : drvipflt ? added : add ip address (non permanent) tofix : one thread is created each time ndis is checked added : 1 thread to monitor ip changed (ballon tips) added : 1 thread to monitor route changed (ballon tips) todo : check balloon tips on w2k and below fixed : app (because of threads?) was preventing end session fixed : enablerouter is used instead of modifying setipstatistics/dwForwarding added : mac2ip on a thread added : ping on a thread added : resolve ip on a thread added : resolve hostname on a thread added : wmi remote lan monitor added : process/modules with exported/imported functions, unload modules, terminate process added : netbios names on a thread todo : nbt names does not free thread v1.62 changed : delphi 5 to delphi 7 changed : tnmudp to indy components added : winsquery listens on a thread added : dhcpfind listens on a thread fixed : thread.waitfor instruction removed (because of delphi7?) added : exitthread in all created threads todo : dns query(error 87) fixed : getprocesses is done thru psapi, not thru NtQuerySystemInformation fixed : winsquery / checkbox for binding udp src port 137 (ok on w2k3 / nok on w2k) fixed : nbt spoof / checkbox for binding udp src port 138 (ok on w2k3 / nok on w2k) added : popupmenu synched on tools menu added : ping handles timeout added : wmi remote process fixed : reset to rewrite in save selected/all frames (compiler options?) added : source ip random ip tcp/icmp/udp spoof v1.63 added : tcp ping (syn / fin / xmas / null) added : tcp syn scan todo : tcp syn scan multi thread todo : tcp ping range todo : tcp syn scan range added : add capture filter in netstat //added : show socket id in ports by process on nt4/w2k added : jump to regkey in netword cards v1.64 added : ndis properties added : netbios names table fixed added : smnp query added : Process creation Monitor added : ICMP Information request added : dns parser more detailed todo : add capture filter fix for *.* in netstat added : message text for dns errors added : udp tools / mssqlping? todo : stop sharedaccess on xp if started? necessary for spoofing added : winsnmp apis dynamically linked v1.65 (march 2005) added : udp tools / ntp client added : ndis will be grayed out if not installed added : howto install ndis driver todo : capture to file (done for ndis/winpcap) v1.66 added : CryptUnprotectdata api added / decrypt password in rdp files added : decrypt passwords in mdp added : password reveal added : dialup password added : protected storage todo : lsa secrets (with dll inject) todo : dialup password dynamic link todo : protected storage dynamic link v1.67 added : dialup password dynamic link fixed : hashes are now correct added : ntlm hash added : delete in protected storage added : refresh in protected storage added : mac to ip use local arp cache before scanning subnet added : enum windows server added : remote execution via wmi todo : active routes remote toto : nettomedia table remote todo : remote properties on windows server v1.68 added : remote properties on windows server added : kill remote process via wmi added : launch computer management from enum windows server added : shutdown remote windows added : remote time of day added : fake net send todo : uptime, ports todo : other ms products cdkeys todo : snmp scan v1.69 added : snmp ping added : memory and vmsize in remote process added : list of wireless networks in ndis properties added : exclude non connected card from ndis added : tcp scan host & range in same window added : tcp syn scan host & subnet in same window added : tcp ping host & subnet in same window added : snmp ping host & subnet in same window added : ssdp ping added : parse LLC in 802.3 v1.70 //added : start sharedaccess on XP when spoofing //removed : works only on xp sp1 added : all icmp spoofs function in same window added : resolve ip/hostname in same window todo : all sending forms with raw/winpcap/ndis (tcp spoof ok) todo : check sendit functions (lib/tsniffer unit?) fixed : send tcp/udp spoof via winpcap ( was wrong, macs were wrong) //modified : sendit in lib //removed Socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, PIP_Header(@buf[0]).ip_protocol ); todo : wincap/ndis has sometimes an incorrect frame len (??) added : temporary workaround for winpcap/ndis incorrect frame len todo : ndis read/write at the same time (createfile/openexisting...?) todo : promiscan added : flush dns / dns query in same window todo : tracert / ping in same window v1.71 (may 2005) added : querydns with more options added : incomplete snmp decode added : getnext in snmpget added ! mini mib browser in snmpget added : syslog client/server added : snmp get -> snmp get & set added : snmp ping on a specific community added : telnet client & server added : tcp server & client in same window v1.72 added : sql login test fixed : mssql ping (data was truncated) added : tcp/udp bounce modified : tcp & udp spoof in same form todo : hexeditor on tcp/udp spoof added : filter displayed in main window using pcap syntax added : capture mode displayed in main windows (raw ip, winpcap, ndis) v1.73 added : additional ndis stats data in ndisstats added : ndis stats graph modified : wins query & locate user in one form added : decodenbt now decodes query type added : add arp entry in arp entries form added : mac dest field added in arp reply added : arp spoof works with winpcap AND ndis todo : pnp capabilities of ndis device todo : implement GetIpAddrTable todo : implement ndisuio to snif (not possible : filter 888e frames... and non promisc) fixed : replay frame was crashing in winpcap mode if not capturing fixed : ndissniffer frees thread correctly (has to go thru the execute method to be freed) v1.74 added : exception handled by madshi exception handler. bug report more detailed. added : new ip is displayed in systray balloon tip v1.75 added : list of interfaces entries via SNMP added : snmp switch port mapper / BRIDGE-MIB RFC added : snmp MAU table (medium attachment unit) added : goto web site & mail the author added : export to file from listviews will export columns headers as well added : default button in many (most?) screens added : decode IE history modified : can open cap file with ethernet type only to do : snmp route table to do : wmi remote ipconfig to do : find hidden ports bug fix : dynamic link to netapi32.dll (should work again on w9x) added : decode frames with ethernet type=0x2452 (centrino promiscuous) added : snmp net to media table added : mac address discovery (ip, mac address, vendor) multi threaded added : mac prefixes as resources to do : use pcap to open/save a cap file? bug fix : click twice on lan monitor was causing an error bug fix : dump file saved always get a dmp/cap extension bug fix : dump file is not created when cancel is pushed in the savedialog box bug fix : invalid selstart or invalid selend fix v1.76 added : master browser and domain master browser types added in EnumServers added : enum WTS processes added : enum WTS sessions to do : implemente WTSWaitSystemEvent / WTSShutdownSystem added : impersonate client bug fix : wmilanmon create form fix bug fix : save a single frame on toolbar button was using the wrong procedure added : dhcp release spoof (raw socket, winpcap & ndis) added : more details on dhcp parsing bug fix : tcp ack/seq number decoded correctly (network byte to endian byte) added : time server (tcp & udp) added : daytime server (tcp & udp) modified : dhcp discover uses only one socket bug fix : filter applies to ndis as well now (same logic as raw sockets) v1.77 added : dhcp server added : dhcp options parsing in dhcp discover window todo : http server added : follow tcp stream (display text & hexa, modify and save hexa) v1.78 added : credential dump (via injection, not via credenumerateA) bug fix : wins query should not crash anymore (again...) modified : winsock hook-> one dll only for both winsock version (param via openmap). modified : winsock hook easier. dll included in main exe as ressource. added : inject dll in processes window bug fix : follow tcp stream was blocked to 255 frames bug fix : numeric field allow numerics only added : decode SMTP & POP3 added : dump process and module from processes window added : view memory for process and module from processes window added : display if client is directly connected to internet everytime ip changes or route changes added : event viewer, shared folders, AD users, services MMC from servers window added : smtp client can send HTML. added : smtp client automatically retrieves outlook info if available bug fix : AbstractErrorHandler fix on stats toolbar button click v1.79 added : tftp server added : pxe boot options in dhcp server added : tsize option support in dhcp server added : can open URL from decode IE History window fixed : List index out of bounds (4) when "copy all lines to clpbrd" v1.80 modified : recompiled with jcl 1.95+jvcl 3.00 fixed : exception class : EZeroDivide, exception message : Floating point division by zero. added : enum print ports added : enum print drivers added : enum drivers added : enum AT jobs added : enum scheduled tasks added : can associate / disassociate a wifi spot from ndis properties form (using ndisuio to set oid) v1.81 info : sniffing on centrino does not work in promiscuous mode with driver 9.x added : enum wep keys (xp only via wzcsvc) fixed : snmp tools work with any community added : kill process, hook process, add filter in open ports added : wifi stumbler form added : stop wzcsvc service in wifi stumbler to set/unset ssid added : wifi stumbler use wzcsvc if started (quicker), else set oid=list_scan todo : implement OID_GEN_MAXIMUM_TOTAL_SIZE & OID_GEN_MAXIMUM_FRAME_SIZE fixed : snmp rewritten with indy component fixed : help/goto web site works on w9x added : get all cdkeys in windows properties added : get full display name for installed apps in windows properties added : external scripts can be called from enumsrv passing the hostname as parameter added : try..except for all udp tools fixed : ping host does not crash anymore added : ttl option on ping host. added : icmp ping with replies<>success are displayed v1.82 added : tcp scan half connect works with both raw and winpcap mode added : tcp ping works with bot raw and winpcap mode added : can choose another dns server in dns query form added : dns query will handle properly dns_type_text entries fixed : rdp decode works on rdp where password is not at the end of file added : resolve ip in tcpsyn scan added : resolve ip in snmp ping scan added : tiny dns server (only A & PTR type) fixed : PAGE_READWRITE to PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE in dump credentials form (for xpsp2) added : open hosts, lmhosts, services file modified : recompiled with delphi 7.0 build 8.1 todo : check all declarations (move to implementation) v1.83 added : can load and decode 802.11 frames (mac header + mgmt frames) can be used along with aircap fixed : all unit scope variables moved to implementation block (to avoid scope confusion) added : rarp client todo : rarp daemon added : wmi process display username v1.84 added : sessions, opened files, connections, remote disks modified : moved to netapi services :logged users , netbios names , at jobs, remote tod added : add connection modified : enum ports & enum printer drivers moved to winspool services todo : try catch in frmnetapi added : choose font menu for main screen, setting will be saved/restored modified : main screen can be resized added : toolbar view menu (will keep only the toolbar visible) fixed : no more "Invalid SelStart" added : snmp requests for ms services (shares, users, processes, disks) modified : enum servers is multi threaded modified : add connection is multi threaded added : ping first in netapi services modified : lowered level for netshareenum and netsession enum (no remote admin rights required anymore) modified : ping first in add connection todo : multi thread netapi services added : enum users in netapi services added : will ask to switch to PTR if ip is type in DNS form added : regular expression filter in enum windows servers added : run an external script on all selected hosts in enum windows servers added : enumerate connections between local host and remotenames + del local connection added : ms time between 2 frames in follow tcp stream added : sharedservice started on demand fixed : will not crash anymore while capturing on unknown ip protocol added : enum printers in winspool window v1.85 added : host report will make a detail html report on a remote host added : add services tab in drivers window todo : add tasks, at jobs to reports todo : rewrite & share enumprinters code added : local and global groups in netapi services added : local and global groups in reports added : printers and remote windows properties in reports added : save to file in html format fixed : config.ini was incorrectly parsed and filters were not working anymore added : spoof net send will check if local messenger is started added : a set of vbs files included in _scripts directory fixed : additional checks in dhcpfind todo : look at HNetCfg.NATUPnP com object added : loaduserprofile option in impersonate user form added : in netapi services : getlocalgroupmembers,getgroupusers getuserlocalgroups,getusergroups deluser,adduser unlock user (lock user not possible) disable/enable account reset password change Homedir / ScriptPath todo : edit user added : deleteprinter, deleteport, deleteprinterdriver added : deleteprinterdriverex (delete associated files) added : can be installed/run as service (under system account) added : can launch a process (from list processes), useful when run under system account v1.86 added : new version wep keys decoder (wzcsvc api no longer works) added : ping button in toolbar added : enable/disable proxy menu added : monitor if internet proxy is enabled or not fixed : EConvertError / 'xx.xx.xxxx' is not a valid date. fixed : Canvas.TryLock in frmping (thread would sometimes crash) fixed : report filenames end with htm added : add persistent route in add route added : ping gateway in route print added : route print button in toolbar added : arp entries in toolbar fixed : userenv.dll dynamically linked (for w9x compatibility) added : Canvas.TryLock in wins query form (thread would sometimes crash) fixed : does not check if launched by services.exe (for w9x compatibility) fixed : Canvas.TryLock in frmdhcpfind (thread would sometimes crash) fixed : no more getdomains in enumsrv windows (non threaded and does sometimes freezes) v1.87 modified : get open tcp/udp ports (native) reviewed added : choose between native api and xp api in open ports fixed : dcsock will not report non connected state (whois, etc...) added : context menu on ping subnet modified : lock in arp scan added : added enum print jobs added : delete print job modified : rewritten netstat fixed : try except implemented in wins subroutine Access violation at address 00552076 in module 'iptools.exe'. Read of address 000001D8. ufrmwinsquery 243 Tfrmwinsquery.query fixed : canvas.lock in pingthread (ping subnet) Access violation at address 004F0D69 in module 'iptools.exe'. Read of address 6DEB12D1. UfrmPing 214 PingThread fixed : open all in main menu exception message : File not found. Umain 2799 TFrmMain.open_all fixed : checked snmp fields in snmpget Access violation at address 00592769 in module 'iptools.exe'. Read of address 00000000. Ufrmsnmpget 665 Tfrmsnmpget.Button2Click todo : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\defaulttl Specify the Default Time to Live for TCP/IP Packets / check with router fonction EnableICMPRedirect to 0 to disable modifying routes for client todo : ie decoder by cookies/files/history, with profiles dialog & open file dialog todo : file system handles open by a process todo : check threadvar updated : mac prefixes added : dhcp manager added : windows handles added : thread system handles fixed : wep keys decoder added : mac vendor in dhcp manager added : flush table in arp window modified : tracert in ping window fixed : tracert is more accurate (timeout in the path are handled) v1.88 added : notification of dropped packets in firewall added : stats in firewall todo : upgrade to indy10 todo : add proxy support to tcp clients todo : check dot3StatsDuplexStatus / added : save to html in ip stats and ndis stats added : save to html in arp scan added : save to html function now copy style.css nearby the htm file todo : add html suffix in html function added : percentages in ndis stats fixed : snmp interfaces and mau table fixed : getdomain on a separate thread in enumsrv added : can save frames to a file directly added : udp client/server fixed : resolve name to ip first and return false if name cannot be resolved fixed : get adapter names works ok with multiple lana (was taking the last one before) fixed : cannot choose xp api in 'processes opening ports' window fixed : inputs are controlled in filter window todo : check IP_HDRINCL for ip spoof functions only (remove from tcp scan functions?) todo : check RCVALL_OFF / RCVALL_IPLEVEL added : QueryServiceConfig in drivers window todo : check firewall support for more than one filter todo : implement rasapi hook fixed : ConvertErrorFmt in write_cap_packet v1.89 modified : madexcept upgraded to 3.0b added : logged on users (remote and local) added : option to display local frames with colors fixed : checksum was incorrect for odd length frames fixed : wol fixed (dest port number 7 specified) added : show/hide hexa & decode panels fixed : wep hexa key decoded with 2 chars per hex code added : lsasecrets , local and remote added : remote wep keys modified : cannot load or save a file during capture fixed : tsize support back (regression) fixed : tcp host syn scan ok in winpcap mode (with the right dest mac) fixed : tcp host ping in winpcap mode (with the right dest mac) todo : implement remote arp cache todo : OID_TCP_TASK_OFFLOAD=0xFC010201 for sniffing incoming packet with sio_rcvall under xpsp2? fixed : wifistumbler ok with more than one ssid todo : check NotifySecurityHealthChange & CancelSecurityHealthChangeNotify added : parse dns answer (1st one) todo : keep view settings in config file v1.90 added : raw ip tools option DisableTaskOffload to re enable sniffing of outgoing packets with raw sockets added : mssql enterprise manager dump fixed : cosmetic designs (all windows to bssingle) fixed : faster loading (all forms are created on demand) added : icmp ping are marked with iptools added : event threads can be disabled in config.ini fixed : will not ping an internet host every time route or ip change added : will display internet gateway when systray icon is clicked added : closeall / minimizeall windows todo : migrate config file to xml added : (most) view settings and capture settings can be configured via config.ini file todo : iptools web server fixed : dhcp server sends ip filled in opt54/dhcp server field as server address added : dhcp server + pxe tested with vmware+ghost in bridged & host only mode fixed : cannot close ping subnet window anymore until all threads are closed fixed : call process hook from netstat would crash fixed : can add dest ip in filter window fixed : pcap filter (if one) is displayed in advanced tab in filter window fixed : tcp subnet syn scan ok in winpcap mode (with the right dest mac) fixed : tcp subnet ping in winpcap mode (with the right dest mac) added : display some details about packet sent in tcp syn scan and tcp ping fixed : ip spoof works with ndis and winpcap, source and dest mac addresses are displayed, full packet in displayed in the replay frame added : dropdown list for local ips in dhcp server and subnet according to the ip class todo : hunt all getlocalip other than text fields v1.91 fixed : bind ip in tftpd window and dhcpsrv window fixed : dhcpd:offline button will create memory access error anymore (canvas/thread...) fixed : dhcpd:closing the window wil not create memory access anymore (if nul...) fixed : tftpd:ip is binded before socket is activated fixed : tftpd:sends correct tsize when file is readonly added : tftpd:blocksize is sent per client request fixed : tftpd:interface is binded correctly on 1st start added : enumsrv:one thread at the time added : tcpscan:check ping first option added : addip can also delete last added ip added : create proxy arp address todo : look on netsh routing ip nat / install / add interface "xxx" full / add portmapping "xxx" tcp 1234 1234 added : filename field for dhcp server (for compatibility with older computer) added : opened files (using driver) todo : crc32 & md5sums for files added : performance counters with graph options fixed : trylock in tracert form fixed : cannot launch a thread anymore while running getdomain thread v1.92 fixed : dynamic link for native apis in openedfiles windows for w9x compatibility fixed : List index out of bounds (0) in showinfos proc added : resolve ip in ARP scan added : nt event logs (local & remote) fixed : memory leak in savelistview function fixed : createthread replaced by tthread/synchronise in dhcp discover added : export to xml function with xsl stylesheet added : cipher encrypt/decrypt added : new section in ini file to start iptools as a different user todo : generic wmi loop function (classname and properties to fetch) added : ftp server (stor ok, retr ok, dele ok, rmd ok, mkd ok) added : filter ftp commands in ftpd added : http server fixed : removed setcurrentdir/getcurrentdir from tftpd (modified idtrivialftpserver with tftppath var) fixed : removed useless setcurrentdir from httpd/ftpd added : settings gui. decoders settings missing. added : ftp proxy v1.93 removed : telnet server added : telnet proxy modified : mac vendor codes loaded in an array intead of tstrings modified : mac vendor codes loaded on 1st call not on main form create modified : mac vendor codes updated (10199 items) modified : can choose subnet in mac2ip window added : upnp services added : dump user (using LookupAccountSid to bypass rights to enum users) todo : fake netbios ns added : default password list added : change service config added : EnumDependentServices added : display all ip (ok and failed) in ping subnet added : color scheme in ping subnet todo : fingerprinting modified : improved tcp scan (connect) scan (linger = hard reset) modified : improved tcp scan (half connect) scan (sendarp for each node, but slower) modified : use snoop filter in tcp syn scan (faster) modified : disable raw feature in tcp syn scan/ping todo : use snoop.filter in tcp ping fixed : windows properties works locally with remote reg service disabled todo : generic form oncreate/onclose todo : quicker mac to ip in tcp syn scan/ping todo : checkout IdNetworkCalculator added : removed mac to ip (can be done from arp scan) modified : more reliable rarp client (use snoop.filter) added : rarp server added : rarp frames decoded todo : passive monitoring via arp reply/request sniffing added : crc32 & md5 file sum added : netservergetinfo in netapi window todo : check [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters]\TcpTimedWaitDelay added : local & remote devices using setupapi.dll fixed : buffersize in wep key decrypt using cryptoapi (note : wpa psk key can be used with wpa_supplicant) added : wep keys decrypt using wzcapi fixed : mac dest was wrongly set to 0 in arp reply added : ip changed notification when mode<>raw 1.94 added : msqql processes + kill added : close opened file added : trup ip filter in arp & icmp scan added : dns cache added : eventlog monitor added : getbestroute added : getrttandhopcount added : setcomputername added : http proxy fixed : revisited openports function todo : put all reports in ureport unit added : iptools web interface added : rrd tools gui added : bandwidth tester added : can enabled/disable items in tools menu added : can add toolbar buttons added : grahviz frontend todo : review getcurrentdir / GetCurrentExeDir added : ndis5pkt capture engine (works from nt4 to w2k3 and is included in the exe) todo : ndis5pkt in tcp scan half connect added : remote arp scan (compressed xml over tcp) added : snmp network stats added : snmp connection table modified : ip spoof works in all capture mode todo : move all buffers to a separate unit todo : review prepare_header in icmp spoof v1.95 added : one unique service for all remote functions added : save main form pos and size added : one instance only added : AD browser modified : cleanup & compressed ressources for a smaller exe (below 5mb) todo : right click / send mail added : mapi mail client added : lpr client added : setacl added : net shares level2 added : search function on menus added : find duplicate ip or mac in arp scan fixed : lease time in dhcp manager fixed : minor fix in frmfirewall (icmp handling & ip) added : size of remote share in netapi - shares level 2 added : DhcpEnumSubnetElementsV5 in dhcp window (ip ranges) todo : bi directional arp spoof (switch victim with router) todo : check jcl hookimport todo : check fixed : bugs in ftpd added : option to send mail on balloon notifications added : monitor changes in a directory added : test download speed from internet (http & ftp) / http proxy ok todo : check IdMultiPartFormData & idhttp fixed : ADSI apis are dynamically linked fixed : lsa apis are dynamically linked fixed : runs ok on win98se (and should be ok on wine) todo : put idantifreeze on main form todo : replace custom icmp code by idicmp 1.96 added : vbs script editor modified : use tscriptcontrol to launch vbs scripts todo : check wmi(msndis) vs GetIfEntry added : wmi browser added : possibility to run vbs scripts on object(s) in ad browser added : bookmark with dynamic columns/cells modified : ping -> check icmpsendecho<>0 (instead of =1) added : citrix console added : CoInitializeSecurity before run to be able to use citrix mfcom remotely added : clientip,appname,logontime,idletime in terminal services added : ntlm hash added : ping -> option to retry once on ping host fixed : ping -> bad replies were not displayed added : up/down in snmp interfaces added : 2 different graphviz views in snmp port mapper, plus some extra menu items updated : refresh mac prefixes (10972 items) added : add script option in dhcp manager fixed : improved snmp subnet scan fixed : ColumnClick modified when sorting (all sortorder set back to false except the clicked column) fixed : patched comserv.pas to avoid severe crash on vista (because of tlb for msscript) fixed : getosversion support for vista (should unlock many features) added : oid enterprise numbers (30416 items) updated : allocate memory for portnumbers & macaddresses on demand (2.5mb mem saved on startup) fixed : removed cafree on close in main form added : new function savelistviewtoxls added : snmp ethernet stats updated : snmp disks added : cygwin nfsd in tools folder added : ln & junc gui fixed : dhcp message buffer was too small (60bytes=bootp) with some dhcp clients (gpxe) fixed : winspool services for job managers (enum jobs ok, delete jobs ok) fixed : setacl bugs added : find oem drivers in use in devices added : pjl client added : lp daemon 1.97 added : savetodb/loadfromdb function in bookmark window (tested with mssql oledb, mysql odbc, excel odbc (dont forget the [])) added : database objects browser fixed : bugs in rrdtools gui fixed : support of double values in perfmon added : can graph an oid value in snmpget added : block url's based on keywords in http proxy (todo : filter meta keywords) added : can filter while loading a capture file fixed : filter for ndis5pkt engine fixed : capture_mode=raw by default added : toolbarview & stayontop stored in config.ini added : debug option in config.ini (hookwindows, hookGetProcAddress, hookmem) modified : update to latest madexcept version 3.0h added : arp watch added : stp decoder added : dot1stpporttable & stp datas added : delete arp entry in snmp arp table added : flood option in arp spoof todo : mitm (handle router & victim redirection) , ipconflict (reply with ipsrc=victim & macsrc=other) attacks added : WTSWaitSystemEvent / WTSShutdownSystem / WinStationServerPing / WTSQueryUserToken (must run as localsystem) modified : raw_sniffer is created only on start action fixed : print spooler is stopped/started including dependencies added : geo locating using and googlemaps todo : check TcpTimedWaitDelay added : remote capture (rpcap) support in main window todo : crc32 progress bar added : can retrieve upnp contentdirectory added : perf counters screen also displays suffix and scale for returned value modified : lighter main lib unit, 3 new units (decode, convert, storage) fixed : empty column in xls file would crash the bookmark window 1.98 added : loadfromdb and savetodb will keep table history added : save cap file with same link type as loaded cap file added : find user / computer in ad browser added : lastlogontimestamp in ad browser added : update/add/delete db one item in bookmark added : add/delete/create group & user in ad browser added : winsock hook will display traffic added : winsock hook can save datas to cap file added : more reports : devices, printers ports/drivers/monitors, local admins added : reports from a list of servers added : update line from vbs in bookmark window added : new unit = hashes added : SIO_RCVALL IOCTL option (to be tested against different nics) added : modified savetreeview to be able to reload via loadlistview added : remove column, search and replace in bookmark fixed : winsock hook (recv functions were nulling the buffer) added : snmphelper class modified : snmp scan / ping subnet / arp scan -> thread uses postmessage (more thread safe) added : xpath functions in bookmark window / load-save from-to xml http added : can choose returned properties of ldap search query / dump query to xml / dump children to xml modified : md5 hash used to cipher. 3des encryption added. hexa/text switch. vnc encrypt/decrypt (need 3des.dll) modified : uses clause cleanup with icarus modifed : zlib updated to zlibex 1.2.3 system crash : reinstall mrubox, hstbox, hexedit, jvcl+jcl (had to recompile setupapi.pas with win2000_up in latest masdhi version added : one extra free option in dhcp (to support keep-san option in gpxe) added : can send empty filename when gpxe user class is detected (to allow boot on san) fixed : will work on windows 7 fixed : bug on iplen fixed : bug in getiftable in win7 added : can load and save royal ts files in bookmark window fixed : in bookmark window, update line from script will not update columns with empty values added : in bookmark window, if xsl next to xml, xml will be transformed added : add ipAddrTable (IP-MIB) added : utrayicon unit (to experiment a separate thread monitoring hung app) added : resolve auto in arp scan added : devices in snmp host-ressources added : printhtmlinIE function added : wmi scan (fields from win32_computersystem,win32_computersystemproduct,win32_operatingsystem) added : snmp scan and wmi scan in toolbar added : include style.css and xsl in binary fixed : "" to "unknown ip" to avoid '<>' html/xml interpretation modified : listview2html to write cleaner html added : bookmark can load a structured table from an html file todo : load excel 2003 excel file (xsl in progress) todo : processors in snmp host-ressources todo : xmldoc.txmldocument.create(nil) versus xmldoc.txmldocument.create('') long term todo's... todo : decrypt/encrypt vnc without 3des.dll todo? : switch to virtual view in progress : winspool helper with ureport unit in progress : snmp reports (interfaces and forwarding ok, stp left) in progress : mask <> 255 using IdNetworkCalculator todo? : consider CDPMIB ( todo : consider Q-BRIDGE-MIB (vlan's) and/or rcVlan MIB (. todo? : consider SNMP-REPEATER-MIB (hubs) todo : scan switches (thru bridge table or stp table?) todo : graphical traceroute todo : ttl result in tracert todo : ipforwarding et basenumports todo : smtp/fax/etc prefix in mapi mail todo : wsck - f_packet_no ?? todo : consider IP_RECORD_ROUTE in progress : alternative boot filename for a specific userclass